Monday, August 31, 2009

First Day of School - Again

Can you even believe?????? Talk about then and now. That first photo was taken on B’s first day of kindergarten – 9 years ago!! First kindergarten, and before you know it they are off to a college campus. That young man is the same boy, just grown up in 9 years. And today was his first day of school at Washtenaw Middle Technical College (WTMC) on the Washtenaw Community College campus (WCC).

Yes, we have returned to the world of setting an alarm in the morning, following a schedule, and packing lunches. Some of the luxuries of homeschooling are sure to be missed! But the trade off is going to be huge.
Hope you enjoyed a look back in time. For those of you that didn’t know B back then – you got a glimpse into his childhood. And those that have known him that long, wasn’t it a nice reminder of what a sweet little boy he once was?!

Oh, it also means my student came home with a list of things he “needs” for school. And according to him, he ‘needs it for tomorrow.’ Only difference is, in elementary school there was a list the teacher sent home – today the student just started spouting off what he needed when we got to the store. Only thing missing off his list is a graphing calculator. I’m working on that one. Needless to say, we had to buy school supplies – just like ‘normal’ families.