Thursday, June 25, 2009

B on an Internet Radio Talk Show

Every week B listens to an internet radio talk show called Pet Fish Talk. Recently, he was a guest on the show. Wanna listen?

B recommends you go to the above link, then go part way down the page and follow the directions to download the mp3 file. He is on the last 45 mintues of the show, so you can fast forward. The topic of discussion is the Firemouth breeding project that B has been conducting - with success. He now has 2 breeding pairs and they have each had a batch of babies, which he plans to sell to the store he works at when they are big enough. Money making project? Gotta love that!

On the above webpage, you will also see where B is described - with regard to his participation on the show. Wow, my boy is a star - of sorts.

1 comment:

lifejourneys said...

We are so impressed! We know a fish EXPERT! You go, B!

p/w I can hardly recognize B's voice.... wow (can you see my bulging "frog eyes"?)