Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lampworking, part 2 - plus projects

B's second lampworking class was a success. He moved up to another (hotter) torch. At this class he worked on beads and, again, fish. All three fish are B's creations. The lollipop was made by Annette, the instructor, so show B that there are other things that can be made using different techniques.
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY - this is a bead that B made for me for Mother's Day. Yes, it has a heart in it! I have it wired onto my key ring and LOVE IT!
The purple bead it B's first try. I also have that wired to my keys. He has said he might like making beads better than fish, but I'm skeptical.

We are not sure when B's next lesson will be. The draw of the dock at the lake makes him waiver in wanting to be standing at a hot glory hole. For now, I'm guessing the glassworking will resume. So little time, so much to do!

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