Monday, September 24, 2007

Buuz - What?

For our World Cultures studies today, we visited Monogolia. And no visit would be complete without cooking and sampling the 'local' cuisine. B chose a recipe for Buuz. Which is traditionally made with mutton, but beef can be substituted (which we did). We got the recipe out of our Hungry Planet book. An alternate recipe can be found at . And frankly, we should have visited that website before cooking. But we did okay. Come try it with us!

Bennett rolling out the dumpling dough. The meat mixture is in the measuring cup.

After rolling comes the filling.
After the filling comes the pinching.
Looks like B has the technique! PERFECT!
Didn't we do good?! Just kidding, this is a photo out of our Hungry Planet book.
This is our finished product, including the dipping sauce.

We also thought having a dipping sauce would be a nice accompaniment (is that even a word?). Actually, I was thinking it might be useful, in case we didn't like the taste. So we made a monoglian dipping sauce. Which we thought had too much peanut butter and not enough chili.

Mongolian Dipping Sauce Recipe
2 TB peanut butter
1 TB soy sauce
1 TB rice wine vinegar
2 tsp chili sauce
1 TB sugar
1 TB hot water
Is it turned out - we thought it was "okay." The dipping sauce needs a little modification for our tastes. The dumplings themselves were probably fine, but we need to roll the dough thinner and get better at the wrapping techinque. Ours ended up being a little doughy. All in all, it was a good experience. But we wonder what the cuisine at Mongolian BBQ might be like ?!!

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