Bennett rolling out the dumpling dough. The meat mixture is in the measuring cup.

We also thought having a dipping sauce would be a nice accompaniment (is that even a word?). Actually, I was thinking it might be useful, in case we didn't like the taste. So we made a monoglian dipping sauce. Which we thought had too much peanut butter and not enough chili.
Mongolian Dipping Sauce Recipe
2 TB peanut butter
1 TB soy sauce
1 TB rice wine vinegar
2 tsp chili sauce
1 TB sugar
1 TB hot water
Is it turned out - we thought it was "okay." The dipping sauce needs a little modification for our tastes. The dumplings themselves were probably fine, but we need to roll the dough thinner and get better at the wrapping techinque. Ours ended up being a little doughy. All in all, it was a good experience. But we wonder what the cuisine at Mongolian BBQ might be like ?!!
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