I got to Chicago about mid-day yesterday. The walk from Union Station to the Westin seemed longer than it probably was - given it was a humid, 88 degrees. I tried the shady side of the street, but it didn't seem to make any difference. I arrived to find my room was not ready, but they were glad to stow my luggage until I could check in. I attended a few sessions of the EIA conference in the afternoon.

My evening was spent doing a little walking and window shopping on Michigan Avenue - but it was so hot. I returned to the hotel to enjoy a wonderful workout room. Yes, that actual elliptical machine! I didn't realize how much I really missed having an elliptical at my disposal. After my workout and shower - I curled up on a big, puffy white bed to relax. Since I am here alone, I got to pick what TV shows to watch. I played on the computer, read through the conference materials and relaxed from my day filled with firsts.

Today I spent all day at the conference. Some of the sessions were excellent, full of wonderful ideas. A few of the sessions were marginal, and a few were boring. After the sessions I was able to do a little shopping, including stopping at a small cafe/deli/bakery type place called L'Appetito, where I bought some fresh bread, brie and salami. Again today, the heat was oppressive - 'hottest day of the year' the weatherman said. I figured later in the day I could head to Lake Shore Drive - when it was a little cooler. I headed back to the hotel to work out and shower. As soon as I got out of the shower the rain started - so Lake Shore will have to come tomorrow (weather dependant plan). I picniced on my bed, answered emails and went over my notes from the day.
My mind is in full gear thinking about alternative revenue streams, partnerships waiting to be formed between for profit and non-profit organizations (I work for the latter), and I've been formulating my newest "to-do" list. It is actually great to be around like minded individuals. Now with one more morning of sessions - where will I start with all these new thoughts????? That answer will not come tonight, but certainly will reveal itself in the coming days and weeks. Some of my ideas I can go ahead and run with, some I need to do further research/planning, and some I have to run by the executive director. She is going to be surprised, I think, at some of my out of the box thinking!
Now, as I am trying to clear my head, a thunderstorm is raging outside. Weather has never bothered me. But...first of all it's messing up the TV. Secondly, and the most surprising...I have never been 17 floors up in a thunderstorm. It is definitely a different experience!!!!! It seems much closer! Lastly, it keeps making my internet connection disconnect. It won't be long and I will not be able to keep my eyes open much longer. Tomorrow morning I think I have 1 general session and 3 break out sessions to attend. I should be done here by 2pm and my train leaves at 6pm. That gives me a little time to slowly walk back to the station. My plan is....walk along Michigan Avenue and do some more window shopping (or maybe go in). Only hitch will be rain...in which case I will take a cab to the station.
I wish B and mom would have come with me. But it also has been nice to have some alone time, quiet time and some time to focus solely on my job. I feel I haven't completely experienced Chicago - but certainly have had some new experiences. I really want to come back for a vacation.....maybe when it's not so hot!
1 comment:
What an amazing weekend of "Firsts" you have had! I can't wait to hear about your ideas for the school... and I can't wait for the SF conference!!! Whoo Hooo!
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