Being new to all this website design stuff is making my head spin!!! I come to this job technologically challenged, and then one of the first things I decide we need to do it redesign our website. Somebody slap me!! Thankfully, one of the teachers has some experience and agreed to help (pretty much do it). So I was to give him the content and he was going to execute and we'd work together on the design. Phase one launched, almost a month late, but launched. Now....... teacher is MIA,
...phase II hasn't be completed,
...phase III hasn't started,
...I know I need to worry about SEO,
...I have list upon list of things I want to add to the site,
...wish there was an IT person I could ask,
...and, I am screwed :-)
So...let the learning begin. I'm digging into the web, learning all kinds of new terms, trying to figure things out, testing and looking up acronyms at every turn. This part of my job....not so fun. I need an intern for this - probably a 12 year old techie kid could handle what I need done - all while I am stumbling around.
Life is always an adventure, even if you have to look at the simplest activity for the hidden adventures. Maybe one day our road will cross your road to adventure? Hope so!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Experiencing Chicago

I got to Chicago about mid-day yesterday. The walk from Union Station to the Westin seemed longer than it probably was - given it was a humid, 88 degrees. I tried the shady side of the street, but it didn't seem to make any difference. I arrived to find my room was not ready, but they were glad to stow my luggage until I could check in. I attended a few sessions of the EIA conference in the afternoon.

My evening was spent doing a little walking and window shopping on Michigan Avenue - but it was so hot. I returned to the hotel to enjoy a wonderful workout room. Yes, that actual elliptical machine! I didn't realize how much I really missed having an elliptical at my disposal. After my workout and shower - I curled up on a big, puffy white bed to relax. Since I am here alone, I got to pick what TV shows to watch. I played on the computer, read through the conference materials and relaxed from my day filled with firsts.

Today I spent all day at the conference. Some of the sessions were excellent, full of wonderful ideas. A few of the sessions were marginal, and a few were boring. After the sessions I was able to do a little shopping, including stopping at a small cafe/deli/bakery type place called L'Appetito, where I bought some fresh bread, brie and salami. Again today, the heat was oppressive - 'hottest day of the year' the weatherman said. I figured later in the day I could head to Lake Shore Drive - when it was a little cooler. I headed back to the hotel to work out and shower. As soon as I got out of the shower the rain started - so Lake Shore will have to come tomorrow (weather dependant plan). I picniced on my bed, answered emails and went over my notes from the day.
My mind is in full gear thinking about alternative revenue streams, partnerships waiting to be formed between for profit and non-profit organizations (I work for the latter), and I've been formulating my newest "to-do" list. It is actually great to be around like minded individuals. Now with one more morning of sessions - where will I start with all these new thoughts????? That answer will not come tonight, but certainly will reveal itself in the coming days and weeks. Some of my ideas I can go ahead and run with, some I need to do further research/planning, and some I have to run by the executive director. She is going to be surprised, I think, at some of my out of the box thinking!
Now, as I am trying to clear my head, a thunderstorm is raging outside. Weather has never bothered me. But...first of all it's messing up the TV. Secondly, and the most surprising...I have never been 17 floors up in a thunderstorm. It is definitely a different experience!!!!! It seems much closer! Lastly, it keeps making my internet connection disconnect. It won't be long and I will not be able to keep my eyes open much longer. Tomorrow morning I think I have 1 general session and 3 break out sessions to attend. I should be done here by 2pm and my train leaves at 6pm. That gives me a little time to slowly walk back to the station. My plan is....walk along Michigan Avenue and do some more window shopping (or maybe go in). Only hitch will be which case I will take a cab to the station.
I wish B and mom would have come with me. But it also has been nice to have some alone time, quiet time and some time to focus solely on my job. I feel I haven't completely experienced Chicago - but certainly have had some new experiences. I really want to come back for a vacation.....maybe when it's not so hot!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
First Time for Everything's only 8:30 in the morning and my day has been filled with firsts. As you read, you are probably going to think, "how can this be?" Yes, I have traveled (to some pretty great places too), but I have never taken the train to Chicago (yes, I've been to Chicago). I thought about this as I was waiting to board the train. I stood outside the station surrounded by a variety of people - families, business people, those with cameras and white socks, couples in love, teenagers texting, girlfriends gabbing, and me.....I thought, how can I be almost 45 and never have ridden the train from AA to Chicago, especially when I have lived in the AA area for over 12 years? How did this happen???? Then that led me to thoughts of all the things I haven't done - but still want to. Lost in those thoughts, the waiting time passed quickly and the sound of the train whistle brought me back to reality. The reality that today will be filled with firsts.
- First train trip to Chicago
- First educational industry conference
- First time to Chicago alone
- First time to a conference alone
- First time I've gone to Chicago and wished B was with me
- First time hooked to the internet while traveling (the actual movement of traveling)
And it's only many more firsts will come as my day unfolds???? Here I sit, grateful for my air card and the technology available that I can blog, email and yak with friends as I travel (gone are the days of having to read the paper and drink crappy coffee - although I don't see a Starbucks on here, lol)
I also will return to my thoughts of what is on my list of things I've yet to do in life (my bucket list) - it's a great way to pass the time. I am also anticipating getting to Chicago, checking into the Westin, and heading to my first session. My day will end with some shopping on Michigan Avenue, dinner, working out and then getting all comfy on a big puffy bed to watch TV (and probably be on the computer again).
It's good to be employed, one because I need a job and the money, but also because my job has opened this door to a new experience. Let the learning and enjoying begin!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Looking For Marketing Resouces
Has anybody got a copy of the following that they would let me borrow or buy from them?
I'm trying to get up to speed on selling something I've never sold before. In the past I have always held jobs where I was selling 'something' - a product or service, something that people could see and touch. this job, it's an idea, a philosophy - something they have to experience to actually know what it is. And yes, I work for a non-profit, which I also have never done before. (those that know me well, don't roll your eyes - you know I'm money motivated)
So these books have been recommended to me:
Strategic Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations
Marketing Workbook for Nonprofit Organizations
Successful Marketing Strategies for Nonprofit Organizations
The Nonprofit Marketing Guide
OR....if you have any resource that I should read or get my hands on - I am open to ANY suggestions and/or advice!!! Just trying to get a handle, strong hold, and my feet on the ground under me.
I'm trying to get up to speed on selling something I've never sold before. In the past I have always held jobs where I was selling 'something' - a product or service, something that people could see and touch. this job, it's an idea, a philosophy - something they have to experience to actually know what it is. And yes, I work for a non-profit, which I also have never done before. (those that know me well, don't roll your eyes - you know I'm money motivated)
So these books have been recommended to me:
Strategic Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations
Marketing Workbook for Nonprofit Organizations
Successful Marketing Strategies for Nonprofit Organizations
The Nonprofit Marketing Guide
OR....if you have any resource that I should read or get my hands on - I am open to ANY suggestions and/or advice!!! Just trying to get a handle, strong hold, and my feet on the ground under me.
Doesn't Take Long to Take its Toll
So I've had my new car just over 3 months - and this is what the odometer looks like. YIKES. And now you know why I traded by big ole' SUV in for this crappy, gas efficient Malibu. Yes, I miss my truck - but NO, I do not miss the $100 per pump gas bill. This is also the price (in mileage) I pay for us to live in a safe, comfortable, familiar place. And that my friends, is worth EVERY penny spent and 'missed truck' emotion I feel. And I could have it much worse, I am aware of that.
No complaining, just a reality check. Now.....if I could just figure out a money making opportunity to do while I'm driving all these miles.
Biggest advantage - much of these miles are spent in pretty good conversation with B. Don't get me wrong we have our days, and sometimes on our early morning drives he's asleep (which means I listen to what I want on the radio) - but we have shares some interesting topics and he has shared his, all knowing (lol) opinions. Can't beat that as quality time with a teenager - plus he's afraid to bail out at 80 mph on the highway, so he's a captive audience - and yes, that means we've had some of 'those' conversations in the car too!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Takes a Family
It takes a family to do my job. Actually, since B sometimes comes to campus with me, he got put to work today. He's fixing the holes that the woodpecker makes in the side of the school building. There are a few projects here that need to be done, and since B works cheap (because his momma is a slave driver) he is going to work on them over the summer. Price you pay for having a mom who is a campus administrator and the fact that you won't stay alone. Those of you who worry, he is only here 1 day a week with me. Other days he is working at the AACC as a grounds keeper and hanging out at my parent's house or he's over on the WCC campus finishing up his photography classes.'s Friday and I have a few things to do here, then we are headed out so I can get some marketing materials out in the community, and then a fund raising lunch (next topic for blogging).
Sunday, July 11, 2010
There is a country artist, Kenny Chesney, that sings a song titled "Don't Blink." The words could not be more true in today's society! Since my last post, which was only 4 days ago, my job title has been changed and a new job added. You are now reading from the Campus Administrator/Marketing Director. So...everything you've read is still true, but now add in the daily administrative duties of the campus programs. YAHOO - I couldn't be more excited!!! Basically it means I am still focusing on selling my school and enrolling students, but now I am also the right hand to the executive director and help in the daily operations of the school. Thankfully work with a great group of people - strong professionals. There is a proven vision for us to follow. Now we just need to all get on the path together and go, Go, GO!
With added responsibilities comes the added juggle of work schedules, driving schedules, and demands of my time. Unfortunately I suck at that sort of stuff - so it will take some adjustment. And...since every semester B's schedule changes, we hardly have time to settle into a new routine before we have to change things. I'd like to think I am preparing him to handle adversity and change - but sometimes I think it is just a huge exercise in frustration - which I guess in itself is not a bad thing to know how to handle.
Wish me luck, because off I go.....into my new position. First decision the executive director and I made immediately following my promotion is - I would attend an educational industry (EIA) conference in Chicago - in just 2 weeks. I love Chicago, so that's a great first perk to the new job. Now to put the schedule (both personal and professional) in place, arrange for transportation, make reservations, etc. See, I'm catching into these administrative duties already!!! lol
With added responsibilities comes the added juggle of work schedules, driving schedules, and demands of my time. Unfortunately I suck at that sort of stuff - so it will take some adjustment. And...since every semester B's schedule changes, we hardly have time to settle into a new routine before we have to change things. I'd like to think I am preparing him to handle adversity and change - but sometimes I think it is just a huge exercise in frustration - which I guess in itself is not a bad thing to know how to handle.
Wish me luck, because off I go.....into my new position. First decision the executive director and I made immediately following my promotion is - I would attend an educational industry (EIA) conference in Chicago - in just 2 weeks. I love Chicago, so that's a great first perk to the new job. Now to put the schedule (both personal and professional) in place, arrange for transportation, make reservations, etc. See, I'm catching into these administrative duties already!!! lol
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
CAREER FOUND ME January 2010 I returned to the professional workforce as the Campus Marketing Director for a small, private school in Ann Arbor. Where I turn on my computer daily is - Clonlara Campus School.
Let me tell you about ADJUSTMENTS!!!! Being out of the workforce for nearly 15 years, and away from the marketing business for nearly 20 - oh boy! So many things, with the invent of the web, social networking, multi-media, etc. have changed. It is no longer as simple as writing an ad for your target market, running the ad, answering the phone and following up on leads!! Now my office phone rings to my cell when I'm not at the desk, I have instant chat that I answer when people visit my website, I monitor all our social media sites, and that's just in the first hour of the day. LOL
But...I LOVE MY JOB!!!! My biggest charge is to increase enrollment. When the board hired me, I agreed to climb a HUGE mountain - I was asked to increase their enrollment by 30% in 9 months, and then another 30% in the second year. CHALLENGE, which I have run in front of from the first day I started. The first 6 months I have been with Clonlara I registered 6 new students. A few people have kidded me about being able to keep up this pace and about coming out of the gate so strong. I can only hope that this rate continues, or increases.
The other parts of my job include keeping my current families happy, increasing our presence in the AA community, networking, and continually 'putting us out there.' I have been out beating the pavement. I have met with several other administrators, trying to make connections with program coordinators who's programs end at certain grades (considering Clonlara is a K-12 school I am a natural choice for some families when the program their child is in ends at 6th grade.) I am always, always, always selling!!!
The job gives me a chance to mix my marketing background with my passion that families should have choices when deciding on their child's education. I work in no better community for there to be alternative choices - and yes, the school I work for is an alternative learning environment. This strong passion came to me when, about 6 years ago, I had to take B out of school. We even toured Clonlara to see if it was a good educational match for him. Our educational road has not been easy, but without alternative choices we would have been sunk.
So...that's what I am doing these days (at least most days). Plus still juggling B's schedule, time with family and friends, and running the household. And much of the time I feel like I'm not very good at the balancing act! But, eventually I will get the hang of it. Thankfully, I am loving what I'm doing!!!
If you have read any of the side bars, you know that plenty has changed for us in 2010. With those changes, there will be a shift in blogging (like going from doing it to a 10 month break in posts - lol). Let me try to switch gears, get you caught up to date, and then go forward from here.
We thought 2009 was hectic and full of change - with selling the house and moving to the lake, me getting a part-time job, and B returning to a brick and mortar school environment. Things had settled down by the time we got into December. I even said out loud, "that in 2010 we will try to keep things the same and just try to get use to our 'new' life." I no sooner got that out of my mouth when - an amazing career opportunity fell out of the sky into my lap. And in this economy, I could hardly say no!!! Not to mention it is a mix between my passion for alternative choices in education and my marketing background. (more on my new job to come in the next post).
I am going to try my best to get you up to date in the happenings of our house. It might take a couple of posts, but I'll get there. I have a renewed interest in blogging - so I'm motivated!
More later....
We thought 2009 was hectic and full of change - with selling the house and moving to the lake, me getting a part-time job, and B returning to a brick and mortar school environment. Things had settled down by the time we got into December. I even said out loud, "that in 2010 we will try to keep things the same and just try to get use to our 'new' life." I no sooner got that out of my mouth when - an amazing career opportunity fell out of the sky into my lap. And in this economy, I could hardly say no!!! Not to mention it is a mix between my passion for alternative choices in education and my marketing background. (more on my new job to come in the next post).
I am going to try my best to get you up to date in the happenings of our house. It might take a couple of posts, but I'll get there. I have a renewed interest in blogging - so I'm motivated!
More later....
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