Monday, June 1, 2009

Song Bird Breeding Facility

Ah, another field trip where B left saying, "Mom, can I have a ......." The 4H Vet Science club visited a local song bird breeder. I didn't actually go on this field trip, so the details I am sharing are via the student. But now, B wants to raise a set of love birds. Thankfully, the answer is now and I didn't even have to be the bad guy. I just reminded him that I didn't know where we were going to be living in the fall and that I would hate for him to start on a project that could get interrupted when our housing status changes. Maybe he will forget in the meantime?!

nesting box with outside 'gate' taken off
nesting box with gate on
row, up on row of breeding cages
row up on row.......


lifejourneys2 said...

This is so amazing! I would've never thought of visiting a song bird facility. Where is it? I want to go!

p/s can you add "" to the Authorized list? This way, I don't have to keep switching accounts. You remember the doggone Comcast people cut us off when we moved last year? Sigh.

23mkr said...

It's in Livonia and it's just a private individual that does this as a hobby and sells the birds. It was a contact of a friend through the 4H group. p/s sent an invite to the gmail account