When B is feeling like venturing into the swamp, that's where we head. And what goes in.....

....has always come out (lol). But rarely does he come out without some kind of special 'find' and today was no different!

Yes, B caught a
Spiny Softshell turtle. Which is pretty amazing because these things are fast! But he was able to sit still long enough she settled into the muck, he eased his net in front of her and then scared her into the net. Talk about how excited he was went we paddled out! He couldn't wait to show me. But I had to wait until we paddled back to the cottage.

These things use to come into the yard at night (before the seawall was installed) and scare me half to death when I let the dog out at night. They are fast on land, and hiss. Faster in the water.

Yes, they hiss!

And you don't want to get too close.

Her underbelly.

So far, everyone wants to know how we know it's female. That's easy - at least this is what I taught B (and when he relayed the story to his gramps, gramps got a kick out of it but agreed). You know it's female because males get their 'dander up' but rarely do anything. Females, on the other hand, easily get in a pissy mood and will *itch and 'hiss.' She's definitely female!!!! (I know, I shouldn't teach my son such things - but those are called the 'facts of life' and he might as well get them straight now, he's only getting older).
This is like the Where's Waldo books, but only "Where's B?" He's in there.

Right now, this fine specimen is in a big tub in the garage and she is being feed crayfish. Can anyone guess what is to come??? Might want to check back and see.
1 comment:
Dissection??? Okay, we cheated... we read the newer post first ;) LOL
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