Sunday, May 31, 2009

Morning Project

Here is what lives within the bottom of B's pond.
orange oranda
butterfly koi
calico fantail goldfish...... and the newest edition to his pond landscaping, The Happy Fat Budda

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Swamp Thing!!!

When B is feeling like venturing into the swamp, that's where we head. And what goes in.....

....has always come out (lol). But rarely does he come out without some kind of special 'find' and today was no different!

Yes, B caught a Spiny Softshell turtle. Which is pretty amazing because these things are fast! But he was able to sit still long enough she settled into the muck, he eased his net in front of her and then scared her into the net. Talk about how excited he was went we paddled out! He couldn't wait to show me. But I had to wait until we paddled back to the cottage.

These things use to come into the yard at night (before the seawall was installed) and scare me half to death when I let the dog out at night. They are fast on land, and hiss. Faster in the water.

Yes, they hiss!

And you don't want to get too close.

Her underbelly.

So far, everyone wants to know how we know it's female. That's easy - at least this is what I taught B (and when he relayed the story to his gramps, gramps got a kick out of it but agreed). You know it's female because males get their 'dander up' but rarely do anything. Females, on the other hand, easily get in a pissy mood and will *itch and 'hiss.' She's definitely female!!!! (I know, I shouldn't teach my son such things - but those are called the 'facts of life' and he might as well get them straight now, he's only getting older).

This is like the Where's Waldo books, but only "Where's B?" He's in there.

Right now, this fine specimen is in a big tub in the garage and she is being feed crayfish. Can anyone guess what is to come??? Might want to check back and see.

Pond Clean Up

This afternoon B started the opening up and cleaning out of his summer koi pond. The koi actually wintered in the biggest part of the pond (with only one casuality). He plans to change the design of the top pools. Today he emptied and scrubed the big part. Funny how he doesn't think this is work, but ask him to do the dishes and you'd think I asked him to dust Mt. Rushmore?!

Family A"FORE"

Perfect afternoon to visit the range. B, grandma and I went down this afternoon with a few clubs. Let me go on record to say, I suck with the irons! I'm totally an off the tee girl. B is working on his form, and as you can see - he's very serious about his game. After 3 buckets each, and plenty of laughing, we got back in the cart and headed back to grandma's house. B plays with gramps at least once a week and I have not hit in over 20 yrs. Needless to say, he had a few good laughs. Neither of us are ever going to tour on the professional circuit!

Yes, that's grandma - who can drive them a mile.
So serious - we are suppose to be having fun.
Great swing, now keep your knees bent.

The Finished Commissioned Workshop Project

After weeks of work in the shop, the drawer cabinet is complete! And ready for delivery. After the staining, the wood grain really popped out.
He's proud of his project, which is certainly deserved! Nice job B! I thought it looked big when it was sitting on the work bench, but next to B - not so big, the drawers I mean. The kid, he's big!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Little Distracted???

HELP, can anyone help me with a focus problem??? When a government assignement is given, under normal circumstances, B usually has to whine about doing it for 45-55 minutes and then spends 45 minutes getting it done. Well.................
now that we are at the lake, he has to spend 45 minutes whining about having to do the assignement, another 45 minutes getting all the correct equipment set up (umbrella, dog placed just right, book on the dock, feet in the water, etc) and then 90 minutes doing the assigment while he's swinging his feet in the water, gazing at the water, coaxing the dog to get wet and actually typing out the answers.
What I thought was about 10 days of school remaining just may take B until August 1st to get completed. Pray for him (that I don't string him up or shut him in his room until he gets done), and please send suggestions!

Carnivorous Treat

Sometimes being in the right place, at the right time, does offer an amazing look at nature. Earlier today we were at my parent's, and what did we see sneaking across the golf course? Right out their front window. A few people have actually seen her with her babies playing on the fairway in the afternoon. We have yet to see that, but this was pretty cool.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Commissioned Workshop Project

B has been commissioned by his language arts tutor to build a set of drawers for the office. This is the first project that will be going outside of our home (or B's grandparent's home). He has worked diligently and is in the final stages. B worked with grandma to draw the plans on paper and build a prototype out of cardboard. They worked with the measurements and a picture in a catalog. Once the prototype was approved, they started measuring and sawing.

-part way into the project (forgot the camera in the other visits to the shop)
- working on the band saw - cutting the handles in the fronts of the drawers
- attaching a drawer face with tiny finishing nails, after glueing and clamping
- almost there
- will it fit????

Check back for the final photos - once the casters are on, the sanding has been done and the stain has dried.


Mostly I just wanted to post this pic to show those of you that don't live here and see B on a regular basis, just how much he has grown. From the front window of my parent's house, this is what he looks like on the first green with my father. Tall young man. Most don't believe he is only 13! Gramps loves that B will play golf with him. But I think my dad is fooling himself, B mostly likes to go just to drive the cart!!!

Not to mention, for those of you that are my homeschool buddies, see we do have P.E. in our curriculum. lol


The picture is worth a thousand words! Unfortunately the check wasn't worth that much - lol. But it's official - papers signed and executed, check cashed, and chapter closed!

Indy Visit

At the end of this past week, grandpa took B to Indianapolis and B's dad met them there for a few days of visiting. They went to the Indianapolis Zoo and Aquarium, GRT Hot Glass Studio, and did some sightseeing while walking around the area the hotel was in. Plus, I guess they had a great meal at Mo's Steakhouse.
dog shark - full grown - they are small
not nearly as cool to see in a tank as when we swam with them in December!
longhorn cow fish

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Project Installation

B's boss hung the neon sign that B made for him. It is where customers can see it, on the lower level of the shop (even though you can't tell that from the pic). Gramps saw it hanging there today and says it looks great. My artist now has work hanging for the public to see. Yep, a little bit proud!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Blowing Neon - pt. 4

Tonight was the last night of B's neon class. He finished the project he has been working on for me. I saw this early on in his sessions in the neon shop and asked if he would do it for me. We worked together on the design - I picked the shape and color, B did the rest. He used some creative licence. Artists?! LOL Basically, there is a transformer base and each piece of neon is interchangable, based on the season. Unfortunately, I don't think the pics do the color justice! I was thinking a great night light when I placed my order with the artist, but this thing is SO bright!!!

heart for Valentine's - bright red neon (this is clear glass with neon gas inside, the natural color of neon gas is red)
egg for Easter - hot pink (clear glass tubing with hot pink powder inside with argon gas)
pumpkin for Halloween - orange (clear glass tubing with green powder inside with neon in it, the red neon changes the green color to orange, ain't chemistry cool?!
tree for Christmas - green (clear glass tubing with green powder inside with argon gas)
B's plan is to add more seasonal designs when he goes back into the shop in the fall. (yes, he's taking a break from neon for the summer.) So he has time to plan out what he's going to work on next. Thanks B, mom loves this and can't wait to plug it in when we move into our next place!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Today our realtor put up the pending sign!!! We have a closing date AND time. If the buyers actually come to the table, it should be a done deal. We'll be homeless in 8 days and 2 hrs (but who's counting?) :-)

Enjoying the Last Days of Living in Dexter

Our days are pretty full right now. Between school and moving, there are few minutes to just relax. B and Saturn managed a few minutes out on the drive way in the sun. It won't be long now, and Dexter will just be "where we use to live."

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Blowing Neon - pt. 3

Tonight at glass class, B's instructor took pics of him actually blowing and bending the neon glass rods. Finally, he is working on a project for me - which I will post about once he completes it. If you remember back on a previous post - the glass that is used to make neon pieces comes in straight 4 foot lengths. B uses the rubber tubing, hooked in his mouth, to keep air in the glass while it is heating and bending - so the glass doesn't collapse on itself. Close up of the heating and slow bending.
B working on a double back, which is the end of the design where the electrode will eventually be butt welded into place.
Following a pattern that is drawn out ahead of time, B heats the glass and bends it into the shape of what he is working on. Once each bend has cooled, and set, he moves to the next bend. He uses different types of heating elements (also shown in a previous post) to heat the glass tubing.
Once the designed piece is shaped, electrodes attached and been pumped with gas, parts of it have to be blacked out. That is what B is doing here. He is using rubberized black out paint to cover the parts of the design you do not want to 'glow' when it is completed.
Next week B should finished with this particular project and you can see what the two of us collaborated on!