Funny Christmas story. Most of you know that B has been very into tropical fish since this past summer. He always has at least one tank going and sometimes as many as three. I, on the other hand, have been less than enthusatic (just another thing to clean and take care of is my motto). About 4 months ago when we were in fish store and we saw these adorable
dwarf puffer fish or pea puffers. My saying that they were cute was 'stored away' in B's mind. (as his teacher I wonder why he doesn't remember other, more important things, so keenly)

Anyway...for Christmas B got me a gag gift of 4 baby dwarf puffer fish. He figured I would roll my eyes and basically give them to him. Well surprise!!!! I wouldn't want him to be disappointed that I didn't like his gift right? What kind of mother would that sort of thing? Today while we were out shopping, for tank supplies, I found these pink plants. Now puffers have to have plants to hide in, so naturally I decided I would set my tank up around these plants. B could not stop me!!!! As we left the store, after being there for what seemed an entire SAT session, I was laughing because what started as a gag gift has turned into the only PPP tank in town. Pink Pea Puffer Tank!!!! Now the gag is on B, who made part of his gift the care of my fish. So I'm certain he is the only boy for miles that I now taking care of a 'pretty in pink' tank of puffer fish.
Here's what my PPP tank looks like. Complete with pink plants, yes a pink light bulb, 4 dwarf puffers (in photo the the left), and a pair of breeding blue mystery snails (these are B's he's just housing them in my tank).

Here is 3 of the 4. There is CiCi (she's the smallest), DeeDee (she's the largest), and one of the twins. We aren't sure of the sex, yet, so I just call them CiCi and her friends. Once they are a little older we will be able to tell who is what. Then CiCi, might have to become Chisel and his friends :)
Blue Mystery Snail (there is a breeding pair in this tank).

BTW - I love my gift!!! I just can't tell if I like the puffers or the look on B's face when I bought the pink plants better :)
1 comment:
I love your pink tank. I think it's beautiful.
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