Sunday, September 18, 2011

Again, Where Does the Time Go???

Seems just a few weeks ago I was posting about solitude, my students were off for the summer adventures and I will likely in the quiet office. Well.....the entire summer has passed, my students and staff are all back inside these walls, and I have no idea where the time has gone?!I was actually going through some of my old blog posts looking for pictures of the library project that B did when we were homeschooling. Now I want to go back to homeschooling!! We did some fun things!!!!!! Many of the pictures with him in them made me smile - such a cute boy. And now.....a young man. Let me give you a little update on my favorite home school student (and one of my favorites in the building). B is a senior - yes a senior. Expected graduation is June 9th. He is currently 16, 6'3" tall and charming as they come - until he opens his mouth. Like most teenagers, he's got a little bit of an attitude. He is 1/3 of the way through drivers ed and bought his own car about 2 months ago. I call it a piece of junk painted red, but he loves her. She's a 1959 Jeep Willys with a 1966 327 corvette engine. When she came home she dripped oil, which has been fixed and I bought B a new front end for his 16th birthday. It is now sitting covered up because the child's line of credit is at the limit and now his baby needs clutch work. Ahhh, the joys of a valuable lesson.
Ain't she pretty?!
Boy will probably get in trouble with this!
Happy Kid!
Learned to drive it on the first day, AND how to push it when there is a bad battery connection and you can't get it started.

So where does the time go???? It goes to having a job, which I frankly still haven't adjusted to and if I worked a 'normal work week' might be a little easier but that is not the job that I have. It goes to finishing raising this boy that lives with me. It goes to laughing, and rushing, and grocery shopping and learning new things. It goes to thinking up new ideas and sometimes just getting through the day because I am dead, butt draggin' tired. I'm grateful that I have a job that I love, a kid that keeps me on my toes and many, many good people in my life. Do I sometimes wish I could slow it down, wish for solitude and some peace - oh yeah!! But I don't even know what that would look like or feel like. Today....which is a Sunday and I'm at work, I'm just glad I can keep doing what I do. Life changes, and so far I've been able to handle changing with it.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Solitude vs. Loneliness

Recently I have had the opportunity to be alone and think – my thoughts wandered to the difference between solitude and loneliness. They are defined as:

Solitude is a state of seclusion or isolation, i.e., lack of contact with people. Short-term solitude is often valued as a time when one may work, think or rest without being disturbed. It may be desired.

sol•i•tude - noun
1. the state of being or living alone; seclusion: to enjoy one's solitude.
2. remoteness from habitations, as of a place; absence of human activity: the solitude of the mountains.

Loneliness is an unpleasant feeling in which a person experiences a strong sense of emptiness. Loneliness has also been described as social pain - a psychological mechanism meant to alert an individual of undesired isolation and motivate her/him to seek social connections.

– derived from
lone•ly – adjective, -lier, -liest
1. affected with, characterized by, or causing a depressing feeling of being alone; lonesome.
2. destitute of sympathetic or friendly companionship, support, etc.: a lonely exile.

I believe there is a true, and sometimes deeply felt, distinction between solitude and loneliness. For me, solitude is positive. People seek solitude, I seek solitude. My road has changed. For years I was with someone – and now that is gone. For 16 years I have had my child with me almost every day of his life – and sometimes, many times 24 hours of every day we were together. But now he seeks his independence more and more. My boy was gone for 9 days – the longest he has ever been away from me. And I was alone for much of that time. I am okay being alone and on my own.

I have experienced both loneliness and solitude in my life. Several years ago I had a discussion with a friend about the difference, about what it is like to still be alone (or lonely) even when you are with someone or other people. This is the worst kind of loneliness – to be with other people and still feel complete alone and lonely. What is that?! Years and years ago I would have much rather been with someone than to be alone. I filled my time and space with others – not matter the impact. But now, I can be alone and I fit into the comfort of solitude (admittedly at times I’d prefer to be alone – but that is a tolerance issue, and for another post). I have changed and seen the error in my ways.

More changes are to come. My boy will leave soon and make his own way. I’m certain I will miss him, but there will be times when I will be glad for the quiet house, for the solitude that will welcome me when I come home from the craziness of life. I welcome solitude, embrace solitude. What I am afraid of is – will I know when solitude boarders on loneliness? Will I catch those feelings in time, or will it be too late. And when I no longer want to be alone – will I make the same mistakes I have made in the past??? Only time will tell………….

Friday, June 24, 2011

Where Does the Time Go??

Honestly?! I really thought I was going to get better at keeping up my blog. Ha! So now my first year as a principal is coming to an end (the kids are gone and just paperwork is left) and I feel like it's flown by, like I missed it right while it was happening. So many things have changed in such a short time. What took years to build has crumbled, what took years to raise has pushed away, what took years to discover has changed...........and what I have wanted for years is still missing. So if I make more time, will what is missing be found????

I found this poem:

Where did all my time go,
is there any way to know.
It seems days roll by,
hardly time to say hello.
When I was very young,
everything was slow.
I was just thinking,
that was not long ago.
The sun was up early,
now the shadows are here.
The day when fast,
sleeping time is near.
Can’t we slow this down,
it all seems so fast.
If I don’t make more time,
my life will not last.
Okay, I’m in a hurry,
I really have to run.
I’ll keep this poem short,
so other things get done.
–Bob Mutch
Note: I was in a big hurry to go somewhere, so I wrote this short poem quickly in 15 mins. The poem was written in a silly moment, but if you look deep there is a life message there that I have been thinking about.
How about your life, is it going fast.
When it’s all done, what of it will last.
Are you making time, for eternity.
There you will have, lots of time free.